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GEATbx: Options 8 Termination options

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8 Termination options

All the termination is handled by the function terminat.


This option sets the employed methods for termination of the optimization. You may select none, one or multiple of the available termination methods.


This option determines the maximal number of generations an optimization is run. When the specified number of generations is reached, the optimization terminates.


This option determines the maximal time (in minutes) an optimization is run. When the specified time is over, the optimization terminates.


This option terminates an optimization run, if the best objective value reached a defined value (measure of the precision required of the objective function at the solution). If the difference between the best objective value and the defined global optimum (precision of solution) is smaller than Termination.Diff2Optimum, the termination criteria is true and the optimization terminates.
This may be used for benchmarking different optimization algorithms (difference to known global optimum) or for termination, when a good enough value is found (problem specific). The global optimum/good enough objective value must be defined in System.ObjFunMinimum.


This option determines the minimal difference between the mean of the best objective values of last RunMean generations and the current best objective value. Internally, RunMean is set to 15 Generations.


This option determines the minimal value of the standard deviation of the objective values of the current generation to reach before termination.


This option determines the minimal difference between the objective values of the current worst and best individual.


This option determines the minimal difference between 1 and Phi. Phi is the quotient of the average objective value (of all individuals of the population) and the best objective value.


This option determines the minimal difference between 1 and Kappa. Kappa is a measure for the similarity of the individuals.


This option defines the termination option for cluster analysis. The calculation of the cluster termination is complex. Please look into the respective documentation (to be done - diploma of Johannes).

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This document is part of version 3.8 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2006 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (