Genetic Algorithms toolbox for Matlab (by Michael B. Gordy)

From: (Michael B Gordy)
Subject: Re: Genetic Algorithms toolbox for Matlab
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 1996 17:08:52 GMT
Organization: Federal Reserve Board
Message-ID: DMF0yt.ACr@glendora.uucp
References: 4edofo$ 4ekssr$

There seems to be much unmet demand for a GA routine in Matlab, so I'll 
make mine available.  It's easy to use, as its syntax is fairly close
to Matlab's fmins routine.  It works, but I can't make any claims for 
sophistication.  (Hey, I'm an economist, not a computer scientist, and
I don't follow the GA literature closely.)

Use at your own risk, of course.  I can't provide support in any formal
sense, but would be happy to try to incorporate suggested improvements.

-- Michael Gordy
   Federal Reserve Board

View/Download renamed Matlab file gagordy.m (identical to ga.m below)

% ----------------------- cut here for ga.m ------------------------- function [beta,stopcode]=ga(funstr,parspace,options,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9) %[beta,stopcode]=ga(funstr,parspace,options,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9) % Genetic Algorithm for function maximization. % Especially useful for functions with kinks and discontinuities, % and where a good "starting point" is unavailable. % See Dorsey and Mayer, % Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, January 1995, 13(1) % Program by Michael Gordy <> % Version 1.12, 7 February 1996 % % OUTPUTS: % beta = (1 x K) parameter vector maximizing funstr % stopcode = code for terminating condition % == 1 if terminated normally % == 2 if maximum number of iterations exceeded % % INPUTS: % funstr = name of function to be maximized (string). % parspace = (2 x K) matrix is [min; max] of parameter space dimensions % or, if (3 x K), then bottom row is a good starting value % options = vector of option settings % p1,p2,...,p9 are optional parameters to be passed to funstr % % where: % options(1) = m (size of generation, must be even integer) % options(2) = eta (crossover rate in (0,1); use Booker's VCO if < 0) % options(3) = gamma (mutation rate in (0,1)) % options(4) = printcnt (print status once every printcnt iterations) % Set printcnt to zero to suppress printout. % options(5) = maxiter (maximum number of iterations) % options(6) = stopiter (minimum number of gains < epsln before stop) % options(7) = epsln (smallest gain worth recognizing) % options(8) = rplcbest (every rplcbest iterations, insert best-so-far) % options(9) = 1 if function is vectorized (i.e., if the function % can simultaneously evaluate many parameter vectors). % Default option settings: [20,-1,0.12,10,20000,2000,1e-4,50,0] % % Note: % The function is maximized with respect to its first parameter, % which is expressed as a row vector. % Example: % Say we want to maximize function f with respect to vector p, % and need also to pass to f data matrices x,y,z. Then, % write the function f so it is called as f(p,x,y,z). GA will % assume that p is a row vector. gaver='1.12'; defopt=[24,-1,0.12,10,20000,2000,1e-4,50,0]; months = ['Jan';'Feb';'Mar';'Apr';'May';'Jun';... 'Jul';'Aug';'Sep';'Oct';'Nov';'Dec']; if nargin>2 if isempty(options) options=defopt; end else options=defopt; end m=options(1); eta=options(2); gam=options(3); printcnt=options(4); maxiter=options(5); stopiter=options(6); epsln=options(7); rplcbest=options(8); vecfun=options(9); % Use Booker's VCO if eta==-1 vco=(eta<0); eta=abs(eta); % Cancel rplcbest if <=0 if rplcbest<=0, rplcbest=maxiter+1; end K=size(parspace,2); % Draw initial Generation G=rand(m,K).*(parspace(2*ones(m,1),:)-parspace(ones(m,1),:))... +parspace(ones(m,1),:); b0rows=size(parspace,1)-2; if b0rows>0 G(1:b0rows,:)=parspace(3:b0rows+2,:); parspace=parspace([1 2],:); end % Initial 'best' holders inarow=0; bestfun=-Inf; beta=zeros(1,K); % Score for each of m vectors f=zeros(m,1); % Setup function string for evaluations paramstr=',p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9'; evalstr = [funstr,'(G']; if ~vecfun evalstr=[evalstr, '(i,:)']; end if nargin>3, evalstr=[evalstr,paramstr(1:3*(nargin-3))]; end evalstr = [evalstr, ')']; % Print header if printcnt>0 disp(['GA (Genetic Algorithm), Version ',gaver,' by Michael Gordy']) disp(['Maximization of function ',funstr]) disp('i = Current generation') disp('best_i = Best function value in generation i') disp('best = Best function value so far') disp('miss = Number of generations since last hit') disp('psi = Proportion of unique genomes in generation') disp(sprintf(['\n',blanks(20),'i best_i best miss psi'])) end iter=0; stopcode=0; oldpsi=1; % for VCO option while stopcode==0 iter=iter+1; % Call function for each vector in G if vecfun f=eval(evalstr); else for i=1:m f(i)=eval(evalstr); end end f0=f; [bf0,bx]=max(f); bf=max([bf0 bestfun]); fgain=(bf-bestfun); if fgain>epsln inarow=0; else inarow=inarow+1; end if fgain>0 bestfun=bf; beta=G(bx(1),:); end if printcnt>0 & rem(iter,printcnt)==1 psi=length(unique(G))/m; ck=clock; ckhr=int2str(ck(4)+100); ckday=int2str(ck(3)+100); ckmin=int2str(ck(5)+100); cksec=int2str(ck(6)+100); timestamp=[ckday(2:3),months(ck(2),:),' ',... ckhr(2:3),':',ckmin(2:3),':',cksec(2:3),' ']; disp([timestamp,sprintf('%6.0f %8.5e %8.5e %5.0f %5.3f',... [iter bf0 bestfun inarow psi])]) save gabest beta timestamp iter funstr end % Reproduction f=(f-min(f)).^(1+log(iter)/100); pcum=cumsum(f)/sum(f); r=rand(1,m); r=sum(r(ones(m,1),:)>pcum(:,ones(1,m)))+1; G=G(r,:); % Crossover if vco psi=length(unique(G))/m; eta=max([0.2 min([1,eta-psi+oldpsi])]); oldpsi=psi; end y=sum(rand(m/2,1)<eta); if y>0 % choose crossover point x=floor(rand(y,1)*(K-1))+1; for i=1:y tmp=G(i,x(i)+1:K); G(i,x(i)+1:K)=G(i+m/2,x(i)+1:K); G(i+m/2,x(i)+1:K)=tmp; end end % Mutation M=rand(m,K).*(parspace(2*ones(m,1),:)-parspace(ones(m,1),:))... +parspace(ones(m,1),:); domuta=find(rand(m,K)<gam); G(domuta)=M(domuta); % Once every rplcbest iterations, re-insert best beta if rem(iter,rplcbest)==0 G(m,:)=beta; end stopcode=(inarow>stopiter)+2*(iter>maxiter); end if printcnt>0 if stopcode==1 disp(sprintf('GA: No improvement in %5.0f generations.\n',stopiter)) else disp(sprintf('GA: Maximum number of iterations exceeded.\n')) end end % end of GA.M
created by: Mitch Rauth (last changed 10. May 1996)
updated and changed by: Hartmut Pohlheim (September 1996)