Documentation of tbx3es1

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Function Synopsis

GEAOPT = tbx3es1

Help text

 ToolBoX function to define parameters for locally oriented optimization of real variables

 This function defines parameters for the locally oriented 
 optimization of real valued variables inside the individuals.
 This proedure uses no recombination and mutation operators 
 from evolution strategies area.
 The locally oriented optimization only work with a small number
 of individuals which produce a lot of offspring. Only the best 
 of these are added to the population.
 In order to achieve this we have a choice of two possibilities.
 On the one hand, the population can contain few individuals 
 which each produce a lot of offspring. Only the best of these 
 offspring replace the parents and form the new population. 
 - population size: 1-5 individuals,
 - generation gap: 3-10 (number of offspring per parent),
 - selection pressure: 1 (no selection pressure).
 On the other hand, one works with a larger population size, 
 in which only the very best individuals produce offspring. 
 Here, (almost) all offspring replace the parents and form 
 the new population:
 - population size: 5-20 individuals,
 - generation gap: 1 (produce as many offspring as parents),
 - selection: truncation selection with a selection pressure 
   of 3-10 (only the very best individuals are selected and 
   each produce several offspring).
 The second variant has some small advantages, which have 
 particularly come to the fore during practical application.
 Thus, the second variant is used by default.
 However, the first variant is included in the comments below.

 Syntax:  GEAOPT = tbx3es1

 Input parameter:
    no input parameters

 Output parameter:
    GEAOPT    - Structure with newly defined options

 See also: muts1, mutes2, geamain2, geaoptset

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by
GEATbx: Main page  Tutorial  Algorithms  M-functions  Parameter/Options  Example functions 

This document is part of version 3.8 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2006 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (