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 GEATbx (Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab)
 Version 3.80 (R11-14+, 2006+) 22-Dec-2006
 Copyright (c) 1994-2006 by Hartmut Pohlheim.

 Main functions of GEATbx
 geamain2      - MAIN function for Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm toolbox for matlab
 selection     - high level SELECTion function
 recombin      - high level RECOMBINation function
 mutate        - high level MUTATion function
 reins         - high-level RE-INSertion function
 compete       - COMPETition between subpopulations
 migrate       - MIGRATion of individuals between subpopulations
 terminat      - TERMINATion function

 Toolbox functions (high level parameter setting)
 tbx3real      - ToolBoX function to define parameters for optimization of real variables
 tbx3int       - ToolBoX function to define parameters for optimization of integer variables
 tbx3bin       - ToolBoX function to define parameters for optimization of binary variables
 tbx3perm      - ToolBoX function to define parameters for optimization of permutation variables
 tbx3comp      - ToolBoX function to define parameters for COMPeting subpopulation
 tbx3es1       - ToolBoX function to define parameters for locally oriented optimization of real variables
 tbx3steadyga  - ToolBoX function to define parameters for the Steady State Genetic Algorithm (SSGA)
 tbx3sga       - ToolBoX function to define parameters for the Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA)
 tbx3moo1      - ToolBoX function to define parameters for multi-objective optimization 1
 tbx3output    - ToolBoX function to define parameters for output on screen (visualization)
 tbx3output2   - ToolBoX function to define parameters for output on screen (visualization) 2
 tbx3plot1     - ToolBoX function to define parameters for grafical display options
 tbx3textless  - ToolBoX function to define parameters for a silent optimization (minimal output on screen)
 tbx3silent    - ToolBoX function to define parameters for no textual and graphical output during an optimization
 tbx3guifun1   - ToolBoX function to define parameters for optimization, test of gui

 Functions for fitness assignment
 rankgoal      - perform goal preference calculation between multiple objective values
 ranking       - RANK-based fitness assignment, single and multi objective, linear and nonlinear
 rankplt       - RANK two multi objective values Partially Less Than
 rankshare     - SHARing between individuals

 Selection functions
 sellocal      - SELection in a LOCAL neighbourhood
 selrws        - SELection by Roulette Wheel Selection
 selsus        - SELection by Stochastic Universal Sampling
 seltour       - SELection by TOURnament
 seltrunc      - SELection by TRUNCation

 Recombination functions
 recdis        - RECombination DIScrete
 recdp         - RECombination Double Point
 recdprs       - RECombination Double Point with Reduced Surrogate
 recgp         - RECombination Generalized Position
 recint        - RECombination extended INTermediate
 reclin        - RECombination extended LINe
 reclinex      - EXtended LINe RECombination
 recmp         - RECombination Multi-Point, low level function
 recpm         - RECombination Partial Matching
 recsh         - RECombination SHuffle
 recshrs       - RECombination SHuffle with Reduced Surrogate
 recsp         - RECombination Single Point
 recsprs       - RECombination Single Point with Reduced Surrogate

 Mutation functions
 mutbin        - MUTation for BINary representation
 mutbmd        - real value Mutation like Discrete Breeder genetic algorithm
 mutcomb       - MUTation for combinatorial problems
 mutes1        - MUTation by Evolutionary Strategies 1, derandomized Self Adaption
 mutes2        - MUTation by Evolutionary Strategies 2, derandomized self adaption
 mutexch       - MUTation by eXCHange
 mutint        - MUTation for INTeger representation
 mutinvert     - MUTation by INVERTing variables
 mutmove       - MUTation by MOVEing variables
 mutrand       - MUTation RANDom
 mutrandbin    - MUTation RANDom of binary variables
 mutrandint    - MUTation RANDom of integer variables
 mutrandperm   - MUTation RANDom of binary variables
 mutrandreal   - MUTation RANDom of real variables
 mutreal       - real value Mutation like Discrete Breeder genetic algorithm
 mutswap       - MUTation by SWAPping variables
 mutswaptyp    - MUTation by SWAPping variables of identical type

 Reinsertion functions
 reinsloc      - RE-INSertion of offspring in population replacing parents LOCal
 reinsreg      - REINSertion of offspring in REGional population model replacing parents

 Functions for population conversion (different representations)
 bindecod      - BINary DECODing to binary, integer or real numbers
 bin2int       - BINary string to INTeger string conversion
 bin2real      - BINary string to REAL vector conversion

 Functions for population initialization
 initpop       - INITialization of POPulation (including innoculation)
 initbp        - CReaTe an initial Binary Population
 initip        - CReaTe an initial (Integer value) Population
 initpp        - Create an INITial Permutation Population
 initrp        - INITialize an Real value Population

 Adds all GEATbx directories to the Matlab search path
 path_gea      - Set all paths for the GEA toolbox (Matlab search path)
 toolboxpath   - Set all paths for GEA toolbox (old version, obsolete, use path_gea instead)

 Functions for different computations
 compdiv       - COMPute DIVerse things of GEA Toolbox
 comploc       - COMPute LOCal model things of toolbox
 compplot      - COMPute PLOT things of GEA Toolbox

 GEATbxReleaseNotes - Release Notes of the GEATbx
GEATbx: Main page  Tutorial  Algorithms  M-functions  Parameter/Options  Example functions 

This document is part of version 3.8 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2006 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (