Documentation of geamain2

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Function Synopsis

[xnew, GEAOpt] = geamain2(OBJ_F, GEAOpt, VLUB, PopInit, varargin)

Help text

 MAIN function for Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm toolbox for matlab

 This function is the main driver for the GEA Toolbox.
 Here all the parameters are resolved and the appropriate
 functions are called. Additionally, results are collected
 and plot functions are called.

 Syntax:  [xnew, GEAOpt] = geamain2(OBJ_F, GEAOpt, VLUB, PopInit, varargin)

 Input parameter:
    OBJ_F     - Name of m-file containing the objective function or
                matlab-expression of objective function
                The function 'OBJ_F' should return the values of the
                objectives, ObjV.  ObjV = OBJ_F(X).
    GEAOpt    - Structure with parameters,
                see geaoptset for details or documentation
    VLUB      - Matrix with 2 rows containing lower (first row) and 
                upper (second row) bounds of domain of variables
    PopInit   - (optional) matrix containing initial population,
                   may contain one or multiple individuals, 
                   more or less individuals than population size
    varargin  - (optional) cell array/multiple parameter containing 
                 additional parameters, passed through to OBJ_F and 
                 all special function (initialization, stateplot)

 Output parameter:
    xnew      - Matrix containing population of last generation sorted
                by objective value (best individual first).
                The first individual of the return population is the
                overall best individual found. Thus, the first individual
                could be from an earlier generation.
    GEAOpt    - Structure with parameters, some may contain results
                see geaoptset for details or documentation

 See also: compdiv

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls This function is called by
GEATbx: Main page  Tutorial  Algorithms  M-functions  Parameter/Options  Example functions 

This document is part of version 3.8 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab -
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2006 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (