A-Z Index of Functions in Directory geatbx/objfun/

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initdopiINITialzation function for DOuble Integrator objdopi
initfun1INITialzation function for de jong's FUNction 1

lectcmd1CoMmanDs for LECTure for live introduction of EA optimization

mobjbahinconstrMultiObjective Problem (constrained): BAHIN's constrained function
mobjbelegunduMultiObjective Function: BELEGUNDU's function (constrained)
mobjcantileverObjective function for multiobjective cantilever beam system
mobjdebconstrMultiObjective Problem (constrained): DEB's constrained function
mobjdtlz1MultiObjective Function: Deb, Thiele, Zitzler, Laumanns' multiobjective function 1
mobjdtlz2MultiObjective Function: Deb, Thiele, Zitzler, Laumanns' multiobjective function 2
mobjdtlz3MultiObjective Function: Deb, Thiele, Zitzler, Laumanns' multiobjective function 3
mobjfonseca1Multi-OBJective function: FONSECA's MO-function 1
mobjfonseca2Multi-OBJective function: FONSECA's MO-function 2
mobjkitaMultiObjective Function: KITA's function (constrained)
mobjquagliarellaMultiObjective Problem: QUAGLIARELLA's function
mobjrandobjv1MultiObjective Problem: Pohlheim-Bagot random-valued multi-objective function 1
mobjsolandMultiOBJective function for SOLAND function (constrains as objectives)

obj4wingsOBJective function FOUR-WINGS.
objauto2OBJective function for lateral AUTO controller system 2
objbranOBJective function for BRANin rcos function
objdopiOBJective function for DOuble Integrator
objeasoOBJective function for EASom function
objfletwellOBJective function after FLETcher and PoWELL
objfractalOBJective function Fractal Mandelbrot
objfun1OBJective function for de jong's FUNction 1
objfun10OBJective function for ackley`s path FUNction 10
objfun11OBJective function for langermann's function 11
objfun12OBJective function for michalewicz's function 12
objfun168OBJective function as combination of 3 standard obj. functions
objfun1aOBJective function for axis parallel hyper-ellipsoid
objfun1bOBJective function for rotated hyper-ellipsoid
objfun1cOBJective function for moved axis parallel hyper ellipsoid 1c
objfun2OBJective function for rosenbrock's FUNction
objfun6OBJective function for rastrigins FUNction 6
objfun7OBJective function for schwefel's FUNction
objfun8OBJective function for griewangk's FUNction
objfun9OBJective function for sum of different power FUNction 9
objgoldOBJective function for GOLDstein-price function
objharvOBJective function for HARVest problem
objint1OBJective function for INT function 1
objint2OBJective function for INT function 1
objint3OBJective function for INT function 3
objint4OBJective function for INT function 4
objlinqOBJective function for discrete LINear Quadratic problem
objlinq2OBJective function for LINear Quadratic problem 2
objlive1OBJective function 1 for live introduction of EA optimization in lecture
objlive2OBJective function 1 for live introduction of EA optimization in lecture
objone1OBJective function for ONEmax function 1
objpushOBJective function for PUSH-cart problem
objridgeOBJective function RIDGE
objsharifi1OBJective function for 5-x1^2-2*x2^2-x1
objsixhOBJective function for SIX Hump camelback function
objswtest1OBJective function for de jong's FUNction 1
objteststr1OBJective function: Structure Testing AND
objtsp1OBJective function for the traveling salesman example
objtsplibOBJective function for the traveling salesman library
objvrpOBJective function for the vehicle routing problem

plotautoPLOTing of AUTO lateral control results
plotdopiPLOTing of DO(Ppel)uble Integration results
plotobjfunPLOTing of OBJective FUNction data during optimization
plottsplibPLOTing of results of TSP optimization (TSPLIB examples)
plotvrpPLOTing of results of VRP optimization

res_auto_good_1different best results from optimizations

simdopi1M-file description of the SIMULINK system named SIMDOPI1
simdopivSIMulation Modell of DOPpelIntegrator, s-function, Vectorized
simlinq1M-file description of the SIMULINK system named SIMLINQ1
simlinq2Modell of Linear Quadratic Problem, s-function

tsp_readlibTSP utility function, reads TSPLIB data files
tsp_uscityTSP utility function, reads US City definitions

vrpconvindConversion of individuals in routes and routes in individuals for the VRP
vrpgetdataGet the data for the example vehicle routing problems

GEATbx: Main page  Tutorial  Algorithms  M-functions  Parameter/Options  Example functions  www.geatbx.com 

This document is part of version 3.8 of the GEATbx: Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox for use with Matlab - www.geatbx.com.
The Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithm Toolbox is not public domain.
© 1994-2006 Hartmut Pohlheim, All Rights Reserved, (support@geatbx.com).